Sunday, December 2, 2007

Personal Journal (SCSM2007)

This will be a long entry to reflect the prep I had for this race and also my observations of race-day events and my own performance.

1) Prep

I hadn't expected to do the SCSM this early in my running 'career'. Both of my marathons to date had been in the US in freezing temperatures. I had wanted to 'save' the SCSM to a later time I had started to run out of events to take part in. Ah well, events conspired to render my participation in US races difficult. Hadn't been travelling as much and had lingering ITB problems from the previous event in Chicago from Oct 2006, and therefore had pathetic mileage in training. So in July of this year, signed up for the local marathon. About this time, was when I became more active in SGRunners forum. So set up a 5 month programme, entered the AHM and NB realrun for prep, and determined to do a good one. No preset idea of what time to complete in, just needed to make sure I give a good account of myself.

2) Training

What would I do different this time? I thought speed work was the key. Previously, being a marathon newbie, was pretty nervous about completing the event even, without looking like a complete idiot. Naturally the focus was on getting in those long miles to build up an aerobic and endurance base. The consensus from many different books and websites was that in order to run fast, you really had to train fast. How fast? I thought a 4:00-4:10 finish was a reasonable target, given my previous PB of 4:28. This time round, made sure I had at least 1 speed session per week, which usually ended up being hill repeats. Also, wanted to continue to build up an even better aerobic base. Alas, reality collides with theory, at the end of the day, only managed one LSD > 30km and 2 runs > 25km. All in all, would have considered myself significantly undertrained for the event.

Also, tried a shorter taper with my last LSD coming only 2 weekends before the event. It was probably a little too close for me.

Also, for the first time, used a camelbak for a few of my runs. I must say, it is a nifty invention. Will definitely make more use in the future. Mine is a small 1.5L version, but in truth could probably take 1.2L at most if it was to be used comfortably. When filled fully was pressing into my spine and felt better only after I swigged a few mouthfuls.

How did I set my target? I used the MacMillan race predictor which gives a comprehensive race time prediction based on real previous performances. With that, I had a target and training pace to use.

3) Equipment

My trusty arm pouch is turning out to be much more of a pain than I anticipated. I'd say it was a minor contributor to my near crash of this event. Whilst the previous Nike ones were good by not giving abrasions, this current black kit repeatedly caused armpits abrasions. Need to seriously rethink how to carry gear/food on runs.

Bought a pair of technical running socks for the first time the week before the race. Ran a 6k in it and it felt really really good. Only problem, with it being so thin, there was too much room inside of my shoe. Too risky to do something new at this stage. So reverted to my trusty cotton socks. At about the 35k mark, the socks bunched up and caused a horrid foot pain, to add to everything else going on.

Had an interesting exchange with a fellow forumer on the use of cap/visor in this race. My conclusion? It is invaluable! Just as a comparison, I took off the cap for a short bit on the return leg and I thought the glare and heat was intolerable. Next stop, a proper running visor.

4) Nutrition

So fibre or no fibre the days before a run? I must vote to go with your normal diet, no matter what it is. I switched to low fibre and although there weren't major issues, I just never felt entirely comfortable with it. No bulk for stools on race morning, but had a sense of constipation. Not really troubling but I think I'd stick with usual fruit and veggies.

On race, I knew they had bananas at 35k, so I could afford to eat stuff at 15k and 25k. As it turned out, ended up taking an extra mini-Mars bars with me so downed a Mars bar at 8k as well. A little sticky but as the drink stations are well posted, strategy was to slow down a short distance from station, chomp down the bar and then wash down with fluids. This works for me and somehow seems more pleasurable than gulping gel.

5) Race Report

See above

6) Learning points

a. Get technical running socks
b. Use a cap/visor
c. Start taper 16-19 days before, last LSD no closer than 19 days to event.
d. Arm pouch is a no-go
e. Don't compromise on walk-breaks early on
f. Fibre diet is ok pre-race

g. Does deep heat help?

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